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Libraries transforming Communities Grant

The Wead Library has been selected to receive a Libraries Transforming Communities (LTC): Accessible Small and Rural Communities grant in the amount of $10,000.00. The grant will help the library work with residents with disabilities to gain greater access to the Wead Library and its Services.
Exterior Signage Updates
4 x 3' Children's Department Sign
Directional Entrance Sign located at the rear of the building
Directional Entrance Sign located near the front entrance of the building
Main Floor Updates
Automatic door at the main ramp entrance in the front of the building
Automatic door for the accessible restroom on the main floor of the building
Updated Lighting in the Biography Section and the DVD Section
Available at the circulation Desk for in-house use:
Easy to read pens
Weighted pens
Clipboard with writing guide
Signature guides
Public Computers:
1 new large print keyboard
Easy to read pens
Reading Room:
Large magnifying sheets for in-house use only
Children’s Department Updates
Accessible mouse for catalog computer
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